Privacy and Confidential Information
The Canadian Sheep Federation is pleased to hear from you and welcomes your comments. However, unless otherwise explicitly stated herein or in the Privacy & Security Policy by submitting information or material of any kind to any of our servers you agree that such information or material (i) will NOT be deemed confidential, (ii) will NOT contain any item that is unlawful or otherwise unfit and (iii) that you own the material or have the right to provide it to us and that its use by the Canadian Sheep Federation does NOT violate the intellectual property or other rights of any third parties. Furthermore, by submitting information or material, you give the Canadian Sheep Federation an unrestricted, perpetual, world wide, royalty-free, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, transmit, create derivative works from, and distribute the materials or information for any purpose without liability.
The Canadian Sheep Federation Privacy & Security Policy is a binding part of these terms and conditions.
You agree not to take action against the Canadian Sheep Federation in relation to the information or materials that you submit and you agree to indemnify the Canadian Sheep Federation if any third party takes action in relation to such information or materials.
Please visit the link(s) for more information about the Privacy Act: