Canadian Verified Sheep Program (CVSP)

To begin training click on "start training"

What is the CVSP?


Developed by producers with input from veterinarians, industry stakeholders and government this voluntary program helps farmers and ranchers implement, demonstrate and validate exemplary food safety, animal welfare and biosecurity management practices.

With the help of a training session and the Canadian Verified Sheep Program Manual, you will have the tools to reduce risks.


HACCP is a systematic approach used to identify potential food safety hazards on the farm, and the Good Production Practices (GPPs) needed to reduce the risk of these hazards.

On-Farm Biosecurity Standard implements production practices that minimize the impact of zoonotic diseases on individual farms and the national flock.

 Funding for this project was provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Why do I want CVSP?

to consumers the good production practices used on your farm to ensure a safe and responsibly raised food supply.


Are there benefits to the program? 

  • Enhanced detection and prevention of food safety risks.
  • Enhanced animal care and farm level biosecurity.
  • Improved flock management courtesy of systematic record keeping.
  • Greater marketing opportunities for responsibly raised CVSP sheep and lamb products.
  • Improved consumer confidence in the safety/quality/consistency of Canadian sheep & lamb products.


While Canada has not made on-farm food safety mandatory, many of our competitors are moving forward with this initiative, including the United States, Australia and New Zealand.  In order to remain competitive in the domestic market against various importers, on-farm food safety is equally important as an investment for the Canadian sheep and lamb producer

How Can I Implement the CVSP Program?


The steps to implementing the Canadian Verified Sheep Program are simple.  The Canadian Verified Sheep Program Manual has everything you need to implement the program on your farm.  The steps for implementation are:

either online or in person. Contact the Canadian Sheep Federation to identify training available in your area.
which contains all of the necessary GPP's and record keeping requirements for the program.
While there are various “must do” good production practices, they may not all be applicable to your farm. 
how they were corrected.
for one full cycle, you can apply for an audit to become fully Certified on the program.

For more information, please contact: 

Canadian Sheep Federation 
PO Box 10
Williamsburg, ON
K0C 2H0

Phone: 613-652-1824 or 1-888-684-7739
Fax: 613-652-1599

Animal Care

click on image to link to
National Farm Animal Care Council

Thumbnail Placeholder

Code of Practice PDF

Canadian Animal Health Coalition



Thumbnail Placeholder

National Sheep On-Farm Biosecurity Standard


National Sheep Producer Biosecurity Planning Guide

CVSP Producer Manual and 
Record Keeping Forms

Or contact the National Verified Sheep Program Coordinator to request a copy by mail:

Corlena Patterson
Executive Director

One of the key components of the CSF’s Food Safe Farm Practices is maintaining an accurate and verifiable record-keeping system. Click the link below to download the associated record-keeping template:

Record 1 Animal Health Product Treatments
Record 2A Animal Health Product Inventory
Record 2B Medicated Feed Inventory
Record 3 Incoming Feed and Bedding Inventory
Record 4 Medicated Feed Mixing and Batch Water Mixing
Record 5 Declaration of Potential Food Safety Hazard
Record 6 Pesticide Use in Grazing Areas
Record 7 Problems and Corrective Actions
Record 8 Worker Training
Record 8A Worker Training for Dairy Operations
Record 9 Daily Freezer/Bulk Tank Temperatures
Record 10 Raw Milk Transport
Record 11 Milking Equipment Sanitation

By maintaining these records, you will have a concrete and traceable means of ensuring that you are following the Program on a daily basis. 

Supplemental Dairy On-Farm Record-Keeping Forms

Click here for the following
record-keeping forms:

Record 11 Animal Health Product Treatment Record for Dairy Operations
Record 12 Record of Worker Training for Dairy Operations
Record 13 Daily Freezer/Bulk Tank Temperature Record
Record 14 Raw Milk Transport Record

Dairy producers are asked to use Records 11 and 12 instead of Records 1 and 10. In addition to the records 2-9, you will need to maintain these records to comply with the CSF FSFP requirements for dairy operations. 

You are not required to use these record forms if you already have a system for recording the same information. However, as the validator will be familiar with these forms, using them may decrease the length of your on-farm validation.


About CSF

The Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) and the Canadian sheep industry at large are facing an exciting time in the evolution of the sheep value chain. Huge opportunities exist today to grow markets, increase value for all stakeholders, and secure the prosperity of the industry for the future.

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How Can We Help

CSF plays a central role in coordinating efforts to make this happen, including resources like this website that are intended to help existing lamb producers and new entrants find the information and contacts they need to grow and prosper. If you don’t find what you’re looking for please contact the CSF office.

Get in Touch

  • Phone:  613-652-1824 or
  • 1-888-684-7739
    Fax: 613-652-1599
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Canadian Sheep Federation
    PO Box 10
    Williamsburg, ON K0C 2H0