
Canadian Sheep Identification

Animal identification is essential to many aspects of a successful sheep operation– from animal health and on-farm management to food safety and quality assurance. Click on one of the following categories to learn more.

Canadian Verified Sheep Program

The Canadian Verified Sheep Program is a voluntary on-farm food safety program that was developed through a partnership between producers, industry and government personnel from across Canada. The Food Safety Chapter has been available since 1997. Animal Care and Biosecurity were added in March 2017. The CVSP can be used by any sheep or lamb producer to address potential food safety challenges, and to improve Animal Welfare and Biosecurity.

Chronic Wasting Disease Voluntary Herd Certification Program

National Scrapie Program

The Canadian sheep industry is committed to the development of initiatives geared towards the detection and eradication of scrapie from the national sheep flock and goat herd. There are currently three national scrapie programs in Canada. More



Resources & Links

Breeds Cost of Production
Fresh Canadian Lamb Genetics
Marketing/Market Reports Research
Resources Statistics
Virtual Tool Box Wool
Provincial Agricultural Ministries
Provincial Purebred Sheep Associations
Provincial Sheep Associations


About CSF

The Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) and the Canadian sheep industry at large are facing an exciting time in the evolution of the sheep value chain. Huge opportunities exist today to grow markets, increase value for all stakeholders, and secure the prosperity of the industry for the future.

Terms of Use
Privacy Policy
Canada's Anti-Spam Law

How Can We Help

CSF plays a central role in coordinating efforts to make this happen, including resources like this website that are intended to help existing lamb producers and new entrants find the information and contacts they need to grow and prosper. If you don’t find what you’re looking for please contact the CSF office.

Get in Touch

  • Phone:  613-652-1824 or
  • 1-888-684-7739
    Fax: 613-652-1599
  • Email:
  • Address:
    Canadian Sheep Federation
    PO Box 10
    Williamsburg, ON K0C 2H0