c Covid-19
COVID-19 Information

Attention Producers

The CSF is a member of the newly established COVID-19 Industry-Government Working Group and have a direct line with AAFC to deal with real-time production challenges.  Please send us any and all of your feedback on problems your producers are currently facing, and we'll make sure they become a priority on the government work plan.Read More


Canada's COVID 19 - Ag Implications'



Assistance and Support

Prime Minister announces

Support for farmers and Agri-Food Businesses

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AAFC Updates

Please continue to consult the AAFC website regularly for updates. In the information below is assistance that is available to employers of temporary foreign workers with regards to the mandatory 14-day isolation period, as well as initiatives underway to increase the amount of employess in the agriculture and agri-food sector.Read More

AAFC Response Statistics Canada Food Processing Data




The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) recognizes that COVID-19 prevention and response activities maintained by operators at their locations are critical elements for employee health and safety.

In order to protect the health and safety of its employees, the CFIA expects that each operator abide by the advice and guidance provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), as well as by local public health authorities in addressing the COVID-19 outbreak. Operators Footnote1 must be prepared to respond to queries from the CFIA. The absence of appropriate measures by the operator to protect CFIA employees may impact the delivery of CFIA inspection services.

Communication and a collaborative approach are key to addressing COVID-19 public health risks.

Preventive plans can be used as a communication tool between the operator and the CFIA. As such, plans should include measures taken by operators that are:

  • tailored to the specific needs and realities of individual operations.
  • documented.
  • thoroughly implemented.
Read More

Resources for Producers

The information contained on the CSF facebook page is being updated regularly to keep producers informed about what is available to support the industry.

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This document was developed by a working group consisting of Canadian public health and animal health experts, with representation from federal and provincial/territorial governments, the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, and academia. It takes into consideration past and current research on coronaviruses and COVID-19, as well as expert opinion. The findings and conclusions represent the consensual, but not necessarily unanimous, opinions of the working group participants, and do not necessarily represent the views of the participants' respective organizations. This information is preliminary and will be updated as further information becomes available.



More Resource Information

Please visit the CFA-FCA website for more information about Covid-19 and resources available. Read More

Keeping Canadians and workers in the food supply chain safeRead More

Special Compliance Inspections for Employers of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program during the COVID-19 Pandemic



Information is continually being updated as the Covid-19 pandemic continues and new information becomes available.

About CSF

The Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) and the Canadian sheep industry at large are facing an exciting time in the evolution of the sheep value chain. Huge opportunities exist today to grow markets, increase value for all stakeholders, and secure the prosperity of the industry for the future.

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How Can We Help

CSF plays a central role in coordinating efforts to make this happen, including resources like this website that are intended to help existing lamb producers and new entrants find the information and contacts they need to grow and prosper. If you don’t find what you’re looking for please contact the CSF office.

Get in Touch

  • Phone:  613-652-1824 or
  • 1-888-684-7739
    Fax: 613-652-1599
  • Email: info@cansheep.ca
  • Address:
    Canadian Sheep Federation
    PO Box 10
    Williamsburg, ON K0C 2H0