c Chronic Wasting Disease Voluntary Herd Certification Program
Chronic Wasting Disease Voluntary Herd Certification Program

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) belongs to the family of diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion disease. Though it shares features with other TSEs, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle and scrapie in sheep and goats, it is a distinct disease only known at this time to naturally affect members of the deer (cervid) family. In 2002, the CFIA established national standards for a Voluntary Herd Certification Program (VHCP) to provide cervid owners with tools to help mitigate the risk of developing CWD and the opportunity to have their herds identified as elite with respect to CWD. The Canadian Sheep Federation serves as CWD VHCP Regional Administrator and Status Assessor for cervids farms located in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.

What is the Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Voluntary Herd Certification Program?


disease known to naturally infect white-tailed deer, mule deer, moose, elk and reindeer.


About CWD

CWD belongs to the family of diseases known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion disease. Though it shares features with other TSEs, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle and scrapie in sheep and goats, it is a distinct disease only known at this time to naturally affect members of the deer (cervid) family.
At this time there is no direct scientific evidence to suggest that CWD may be transmitted to humans.   It is however recommended that any tissue that may have come from a known CWD-infected animal not be used or consumed by humans.


Chronic Wasting Disease Eradication


The CFIA implemented a CWD eradication policy in October 2000. In 2002, the CFIA established national standards for a Voluntary Herd Certification Program (VHCP). The objective of the Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Voluntary Herd Certification Program is to provide owners with the opportunity to have their herds identified as elite with respect to CWD. Membership in the certification program provides assurances to potential purchasers of animals that a purchase from a herd with the same level has the same risk of being infected with CWD. The level of assurance of CWD freedom depends on the length of time the herd has been enrolled in the program. Any owner of elk or deer premises who agrees to comply with the provisions outlined in the CWD Voluntary Herd Certification Program may enroll.



What is the role of the CSF?


for cervids farms located in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.  The CWD VHCP National Standards (PDF) outlines program rules and requirements, and the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) explain how the program is delivered.

PDF document for CWD_VHCP National Standards 2020

PDF document for CSF CWD VHCP SOP's

Form 1 - Annual Submission Checklist 2020

Form 2 - Annual Owner Farm Information Update 2020

Form 3 - Transfer of Responsibility to Herd Manager 2020

Form 4 - Declaration of Enrollment 2020

Form 5 MB - Assumption of Risk Indemnity Agreement Release 2020

Form 5 ON - Assumption of Risk Indemnity Agreement Release 2020

Form 5 SK - Assumption of Risk Indemnity Agreement Release 2020

Form 6 - Annual Operation Review 2020

Form 7 - Farm Site Plan 2020

Form 8A - Veterinarian Inventory Confirmation 2020

Form 8B - Veterinarian & Veterinarian Inventory Confirmation 2020

Form 8C - Owner-Operator Inventory Confirmation 2020

Form 9 - Quarterly On-Farm Death Report 2020

Form 10 - Escape Intrusion Report 2020

Form 11 - Biosecurity Assessment 2020

Form 13 - Trucker Statement 2020

Form 14 - Entire Herd Inventory Multiple Years 2020

Form 15 - Annual Submission Review Form 2020

Form 16 - Consent to Release Information to CSF

Form 17 - Regional Administrator Contact and Fees


To learn more about Chronic Wasting Disease, visit the Canadian Food Inspection Agency at: http://www.inspection.gc.ca/animals/terrestrial-animals/diseases/reportable/cwd/eng/1330143462380/133014399159

About CSF

The Canadian Sheep Federation (CSF) and the Canadian sheep industry at large are facing an exciting time in the evolution of the sheep value chain. Huge opportunities exist today to grow markets, increase value for all stakeholders, and secure the prosperity of the industry for the future.

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CSF plays a central role in coordinating efforts to make this happen, including resources like this website that are intended to help existing lamb producers and new entrants find the information and contacts they need to grow and prosper. If you don’t find what you’re looking for please contact the CSF office.

Get in Touch

  • Phone:  613-652-1824 or
  • 1-888-684-7739
    Fax: 613-652-1599
  • Email: info@cansheep.ca
  • Address:
    Canadian Sheep Federation
    PO Box 10
    Williamsburg, ON K0C 2H0